864-583-9428 | 251 W Henry St Spartanburg, SC 29306
Auto Repair Coupons, Rebates & Offers
Check our coupons page and follow our tips below to help you save money on the cost of car repairs and maintenance.
- Schedule a regular oil change at Harris Automotive Services in Spartanburg. It is the key to easy car maintenance and eliminating expensive engine repairs down the road.
- Pay attention to the "service light" warnings on your dashboard. Responding quickly to a service light is often easy and affordable but ignoring a service light can greatly increase the cost of future car repairs.
- Get to know your owner's manual. It is time well spent. The owner's manual contains valuable tips for keeping the cost of car maintenance and service affordable.
- Discuss the details of needed auto repairs with your mechanic.
Call Harris Automotive Services in Spartanburg at 864-583-9428 for Coupons, Rebates, and Offers and keep your auto repair costs low!
Includes up to 5 quarts major brand oil, new oil filter, plus vehicle maintenance inspection.
Savings off regular menu price. Most Vehicles. See store for details. Not valid with other offers/discounts.
251 W Henry St
Spartanburg, SC 29306
Expires: 3/31/2025

Repair or Service of $100 or more.
Savings off regular menu price. Most Vehicles. See store for details. Not valid with other offers/discounts.
251 W Henry St
Spartanburg, SC 29306
Expires: 3/31/2025

(normally a $119.96 value!)
Labor: includes inspection of belts, cooling system hoses, all fluids, tire pressure & brakes. Perform battery test, A/C duct temperature check & complete vehicle safety check.
Most vehicles. Not valid with other offers. Other restrictions may apply. See manager for details.
251 W Henry St
Spartanburg, SC 29306
Expires: 3/31/2025

$5 OFF Oil Change Service
view couponIncludes up to 5 quarts major brand oil, new oil filter, plus vehicle maintenance inspection.
Johnathan Evatt, 10/22/2024
I called and got Al on the phone. Explained what we had going on with our work truck and Al said it would probably be 2-3 weeks before they could get it in the shop due to being backed up because of losing power for a week. He gave a few tips that we had not looked at and it was in fact the issue. I thought we had a bigger problem with electrical than we had. Big thank you to Al.